Thursday, August 28, 2014

And so, it begins...

Hello, and Welcome. First time here in a long time. A few years back, I was an avid Blogger. Before I registered for school, before I began working two jobs. I had begun blogging to keep my family posted and up to date with my daughters growth, and my Mother-in-law, who at the time was watching my daughter, was able to also keep me posted on the daily activities and milestones she met. I never really missed anything!

I am a wife of 12 years now, a mother to a beautiful 7 year old daughter, who I swear is going on 20! She is the love of my life and my little twin. I enjoy her company and the sweet little things that innocent kids say. Their brains work in such an amazing way! The time I have with her is very important to me because I know that all too soon, she will be grown, and I will have the memories of her being this age now.

Fast forward a few years, and I am back! I didn't see this in my future, but lets do it!

I am currently only taking the one hybrid class at GCC, ENG 101, and when this class is complete, I will be taking two more eight week classes, math and sociology. I am currently working towards my AA and am hoping to be graduating in a little more than two more years. So close, yet so far! Baby steps I have to keep reminding myself.

While I am exhausted most of the time, I love a challenge and like taking on new and exciting things. The newest addition to my list is running. My sister, Melanie, got me started after she and our mom ran their first 5k. I was bummed they left me out! So we all signed up for another race, and I was hooked. Now, I am not claiming to be a "runner", but I do run, in short spurts, very short spurts! I throw in some jogging, dancing, skipping, walking, sprinting, and the occasional leap, but I get out and complete every race I have signed up for. The feeling of finishing is amazing, and not just because they give you snacks at the end! The energy the other runners elude, the motivation from the music the DJ's play, and we can not forget the costumes, it's just all so exhilarating. I highly recommend completing one race before you die! It won't kill you!

Just a couple of the races Melanie and I have ran.
Now, I think we need to address a very serious issue with me, my love for Disney and all that has been and ever will be Disney. My earliest family vacation memories are all Disney. I carry this tradition on to my daughter. No matter what the case, my parents always made the yearly trip a reality for my sister and I! And I will stop at nothing to enjoy the Disney magic at least once a year! Mother's Day weekend, May 2015, Melanie and I along with our Mom and a few friends and family, will be partaking in the Disneyland Tinkerbell Half Marathon weekend. This is one of the biggest races that Disney hosts, and a dream of mine that I absolutely can not wait to come true!

And now, it's time to say T.T.F.N. Ta Ta For Now!

1 comment:

  1. Yay a fellow Disney freak! Glad to know that I am not alone! :)
