Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Entry #11: A Blogger's Paradise

I was so excited when I found out that we were going to be blogging for class work. Since I have blogged in the past, I had a pretty good idea of what was going to be expected. But then, my anxiety kicked in. The course outline stated to not make this blog all personal, which I knew would be my biggest challenge. After looking back through the posts I have currently made, I feel as if I had succeeded with the task. I am very happy with the product I put out, and am happy to have had the opportunity to share my voice with others.

College is very demanding, especially when students work, and have a family at home. It was nice to have some type of interaction with the students in the class, but not by means of group projects. I really enjoyed this and I look forward to blogging again in the future. I feel as if it is a good escape and I enjoyed the me time!

Definitely keep this as part of the coursework since it is not something everyone does, and it may open up a new found appreciation to someone not expecting it!

EC: Food Inc.

Let me begin by stating that I love food. I am a carnivore with a sweet tooth. I was very apprehensive to watch the Food Inc. movie after watching Fresh, but I figured I already had an idea of what lies ahead, so lets do it! What a shock. It is very sad how unhealthy Americans eat and the fact that we accept this way of life, not only for ourselves, but for our children. Children need nutrients to grow and remain healthy, but instead, they are getting a bunch of additives, fillers and chemicals. It broke my heart when a young girl asked her mother to buy her some fresh pears from the supermarket, but because of the price, the mother said no since she would only be able to purchase two or three of them. The same family compared the price of many items in the store with what they can buy off the dollar menu to feed the family instead. 

Factory farming is not only unhealthy, but it is unnatural. The animals are not left to grow at natures speed, the animals are not being kept in clean living conditions, and what do you think about cannibalistic cows? Well, these factory farms are injecting animals with steroids and other chemicals to get them to grow faster, and the animals are being fed byproducts to plump them up and cows are being fed dead cows, not grass! How is this continuing to happen, and at what point will enough be enough?


This has got to stop and there has to be another way!

I don't even want to get into the discussion about how unhealthy majority of the meat we consume is. The part that got to me was the fact that one package of hamburger meat could possibly come from thousands of different cows. The United States has seen more recalls in the past twenty to thirty years due to E-coli and other harmful bacteria, than ever before. It is sad that people lose their lives to these type of outbreaks, yet things don't change. The mother of Kevin, a two year old boy who died from E-coli, stated that "...the government is supposed to serve and protect its people, but this isn't happening." And it is a sad but true statement.

Americans are heading down a path of mass destruction. With more children being overweight than ever before, and children actually being diagnosed at such young ages with diabetes, the life expectancy of a normal person has significantly decreased. This statement alone should make folks want to change, and lead a better example for the upcoming generations. It is going to be an uphill battle, and until the government starts to give a damn about its people, and not be so greedy for money, and step in with these big corporations that are helping to make America the sickest and unhealthiest country in the world, well, good luck America.

I am not perfect, and I don't eat perfectly, but I do have expectations. Expectations for myself, my family, and my government. You can bet that I will be doing a bit more research about where my food is coming from and what kind of items I let my child eat. I have a choice to eat healthier options instead of convenient ones, but my daughter gets what is given to her, and I vow to keep her healthy as long as I can. Make a promise to yourself, and your family, to do the same. Let your voice be heard to the government or state officials and tell them this is not OK and it is not the right way.

"Money doesn't excite me, my dreams excite me!" -Walt Disney

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Entry #9: Pink Slime

When one first here's the words, pink slime, what first comes to mind? Maybe a silly putty sort of substance, or a melted piece of bubble gum, or toothpaste oozing out of a tube. While these all sound like pink slime, these are not the correct definition. Pink slime is defined as finely ground beef scraps, fat and tissue that have been made into a protein paste and then treated to kill bacteria, and then becomes a meat additive that is mixed into ground beef and other processed meats as fillers. If you can imagine, it is exactly as it sounds, disgusting. 

Why is this allowed to happen? Why is this acceptable nutrition? I have one belief, and I am almost positive it's the biggest, because of the money! Its cheap. It is very easy to make, and costs pennies on the dollar. Hello dollar menu items. Since the new American way is cheaper is better, this is what we get America. The crap that should be thrown away, but instead, packaged for sale. If a child was to ingest ammonia, poison control would be called immediately and the child would probably be rushed straight to the hospital and have their stomach pumped and then be monitored for any other problems that may follow. Yet, the American government, and these factories that package fresh ground beef, are basically handing over the poison and saying it's safe, just go on and try it. And the American people fall for this, and have been stuck in the trap ever since. 
With the price of groceries continuously rising, the need for a cheaper alternative makes all too much sense to these big businesses, and all they see are dollar signs, and we just hand our hard earned money over to them. There was a time where this practice never even existed, and people managed to survive. What's it going to take to get back to that time? We, the people, need to open our eyes and make our voices heard. This is not OK, and we will not stand for it. The fact that the government, the people who are elected to protect the American people, allow this all to happen as well. In the video I watched about pink slime, I couldn't help but repeating over an over in my head, it is OK to poison Americans, our own people, but other countries BAN the use of American meats. Other countries FORBID the use of meats that Americans consume on a daily basis. WAKE UP AMERICA! Now is the time for change. Write our government and state representatives and demand a change. 

No one can speak for you, so make your voice heard!

Entry #10: Children can be the Change!

One day, while talking with my 7 (almost 8) year old daughter Amaya, my mind began to drift while I was listening. Once in awhile I tend to daydream and space off in my own thoughts. With all of the recent topics we have been discussing in my English 101 class, an idea occurred to me. 
Most of us raise our children to know the difference between right and wrong, to use manners and be respectful. As adults, we try to instill the tools children will need in the real world to survive in the job market. But I began thinking, what if we, the adults, kept a journal of everything that we should have done differently, or ideas that we want our kids to remember down the road. 
I'm sure the thought has crossed your mind that if only these young adults understood what we went through. Sometimes stories get lost in translation, and change over time. With the internet, this problem has diminished greatly, but is still a problem due to the amount of false information. 
Back to my idea...a book, or journal sort of thing, of important topics and problems that are encountered throughout the time of raising our little people. Amaya is too young now to worry her with all that I worry about, but, there's a lot to learn down the road, perhaps around the age of 20. Teenagers are so wrapped up in themselves that they wouldn't benefit, and I believe that the 20 something  year olds would appreciate a bit more all that was done for them to give them the life they have. Or, maybe inspire them to be the voice of change and do something truly great and amazing with their life! We all hope for this, so why not help them on their way. 
It' funny when I hear my mom tell me all the horrible stuff I encountered as a child, yet I still survived. No car seats, lead in paint, and don't even get me started on the ball pits at indoor playgrounds. Look at how far and advanced we have come in fixing these problems, and just imagine what it would be like for our children in 20 years. I can't even predict. I do, however, hope that technology has not completely taken over the human race. I hope that the pink slime will only mean a melted piece of bubble gum, and that my daughter would be moved by the time I took to write her a journal of all the things I would want different for her and her children in the future. 
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney

Entry #8: The Spirit of the Wild

I mentioned in my previous post a man that many may not be familiar with. A man who I have grown to admire. I am a fan of his music, I agree with many of his beliefs and I respect the message he is wanting to be heard.

The man I speak of, Ted Nugent. The motor city mad man, hunter extraordinaire, supporter of the US military and an all around genuinely good person.

Ted Nugent was a part of a hunting club that my parents were part of, World Bowhunters. From as young as I can remember, my parents were involved with Ted Nugent and the mission of wildlife conservation. There was meetings and annual campouts, there were banquets, organized street cleanups and night time target hunts. There was much more, but these were the big ones I remembered. I was even lucky enough to braid Teds hair before one of his concerts.

For those who do not know, Ted Nugent is a hunter and a great one at that. He believes that wildlife conservation is a very important part of life. He believes in feeding his family fresh meat that he has provided for them. Ted is also a big supporter of the NRA and the second amendment of The Constitution, the right to bear arms.

Many folks are not fond of Ted because he is a hunter, and because he speaks much truth. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of Ted Nugent, but please just listen to the clip below.

Like I said, Ted speaks the truth, and that you can not deny. If you were put into a position, and you had the right and ability to defend yourself, or your family, would you want that opportunity? Or would you let yourself be taken advantage of, and be completely hopeless and not have a chance at living life, or seeing your child live their life?

I never have been able to comprehend why anyone would let another dictate their own life, the life we deserve to live, and yet, it happens everyday, and all it seems people say is, "Why God? Why Me God? What did I do?" Newsflash people! God didn't do it!
I also would like to bring up the issue of Gun Control. This one really gets my blood boiling. If someone can please explain to me how guns kill people, I would love to hear it! I am ready to hear the answer. Do cars go out and kill people? No, drunk drivers in cars kill people. Do pencils make students fail a class? No, students fail classes. Notice the trend. Do guns kill people? No, people kill people, and people with guns kill people. The laws that are currently in place DO NOT stop criminals from committing crimes, so what are more laws going to do? Sure isn't going to stop them. Stricter enforcement of the laws in place may help society. If people would get educated with firearms, and be knowledgeable of how to use one, maybe there wouldn't be so much fear of them. A gun itself can not pull its own trigger and go off, it must have a force behind causing the action.
Next time you head to the voting polls, be informed of who you are voting for, and the rights that our forefathers gave us, and be sure we protect those rights, otherwise, we are in for a rude and scary awakening. 
"When the law disarms good guys, bad guys rejoice." -Ted Nugent

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Entry #7: FRESH...or so you thought...

Society today leads a very different lifestyle than generations past. People seem to always be in a hurry. Numerous people feel as if there just isn't enough time in one day to complete all daily duties. Majority of families have parents that both work, with many actually working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

If we go back a few decades, men were able to work to provided for their families. The women would have the house cleaned, kids homework done, and dinner on the table when the men came home. Was this really such a bad time? I understand that the women  didn't feel appreciated, and I understand that women wanted opportunities that men had. But, if  we dig just a little bit deeper into how great it was back then, maybe the women of today would be a bit jealous of what once was.

Think about today are involved in sports, and clubs, parents rushing from one job to another, constantly running back and forth, doesn't leave much time to actually sit down and enjoy a home cooked meal. Thru the drive thru it is. But, are those healthy options really that healthy for you, or for your growing kids? Kids need so many more nutrients and vitamins than adults due because of their growing bodies and they just aren't getting good nutrition. There are tons of research articles and facts about children's diets today, and the adults diets aren't any better.

After watching the movie Fresh, it is really hard to think about eating anything you find in a grocery store, and that is very scary. I personally had no idea that the food I am putting into my family and I's body was so absolutely awful. So awful that I didn't even want to feed them. Yes, it truly is that bad! 

In a nut shell, the movie shows how farms are only focused on the monetary return of their crop, or their livestock. The conditions these animals are living in are causing them to get sick. The fact they are raised in their own waste and causing pollution for humans to breathe is disturbing. Crop farmers are using such heavy pesticides that it is backfiring and causing new kinds of insects and other problems to arise, in turn, needing more chemicals to control the new problem. One farmer being documented in the video is raising his farm by way of Mother Nature. It is great to know people out there still do care about doing the right thing, but until the blind are led to the light, the problem will only worsen.

I was raised in a family that hunts. Birds, deer, elk, squirrel, coyotes and we fish too. My family and I enjoy the fresh taste of them all. It always makes me laugh when people get all upset about killing Bambi. I am a Disney lover through and through, but give me a break. If people who are judge mental about hunters and why they do what they do, would do just a little bit of research and investigate the word conservation, they may just understand a bit. And I would be willing to bet that if those that are against hunting actually watched the movie Fresh, and then decided to actually speak with a true hunter, such as Ted Nugent, they would back off the Bambi killer bandwagon. Nothing compares to eating fresh venison. There has been no preservatives or additives, no scare of disease or any other crazy concoctions that the FDA lets farmers get away with when raising these animals. Fresh meat from an animal will not make you sick, but a hormone and preservative pumped animal will.

There was a time when food was considered healthy, and fresh, but America has become so money hungry that the product is no longer the prize, it is the amount of money you will get in return. This is just sick to me. The fact that these individual farmers, and companies are willing to put a price tag on all these human lives they are slowly but surely destroying. My question for them, "Do you actually feed this crap to your own families?" I sincerely want to write letters and ask this question. If more people were educated on the garbage these companies are producing, and could get together with organic growers to not charge so much, the organic growers would end up on top. The organic growers would make their money, while hopefully putting the competition, or non competition out of business! I personally would buy more organic foods if it wasn't so expensive. And with Americans being nickel and dimed to death around every corner, it makes it harder and harder to achieve.

Something must be done to protect humans. I don't understand how there is so many animal rights groups, but none that are fighting for the people, for your families, for my family. This video has helped me realize that it will take more than one person to make a change, and it needs to happen sooner than later, or just like in the movie The Lorax by Dr. Seuss...

Would it be so terrible to go back to the times where there was a true home cooked, non processed meal at the table for the whole family? I think not. The only problem is, how do we go back in time?
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment , until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Entry #6: Only a matter of time...

All of this discussion of technology in todays society, and the amount of time that is spent on a daily basis engulfed in the social media products of the world, a question arises. What is the appropriate age for a child to have their own cell phone?

This has been weighing on my mind for a few months now. My daughter, currently 7, with her birthday quickly approaching next month, came the talk of her wanting a phone for her birthday. I had to laugh, because my immediate thought was one I am positive my mother said the day I mentioned this to her. "Are you kidding me, what do you think you need a phone for?" Now, I was 15 when I was 14 when I asked for my first phone. That is twice the age of my daughter Amaya. After shooting down her wish, I got to thinking.

With Amaya being my only child, I am a very controlling mother and I like to, and do, know everything my child is doing at all times. I must know where she is, who she is with, what she is doing, and for how long will she be doing it. I don't think this is a bad thing! I believe it shows that I care in what activities she is involved with and with what friends she spends her time with. A few of the  neighborhood girls are a couple years older than Amaya, and they all have phones. So naturally, my child want what she doesn't have. And I can respect that. I am just not sure I can justify her owning a phone until she is older and I begin to let her explore the outside world.

There are a few instances in which I have considered her need for a cell phone. There's that of when she misses me, she can tell me! I can't wait for those messages! Then there's the time where she wants to go to the park with her friends, if something happens, she could let me know immediately. Other than these two reasons, I just can't come to terms with a 7 or 8 year old with a phone. She will have to continue to be happy with her Ipod, tablet and the use of my laptop for a few more years.

Please feel free to give me your opinion on this subject so I may justify that I am not being a mean Mom when she opens her presents and finds that she is not getting a cell phone, this year.
"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that She is someone today." -Stacia Tauscher