Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Entry #7: FRESH...or so you thought...

Society today leads a very different lifestyle than generations past. People seem to always be in a hurry. Numerous people feel as if there just isn't enough time in one day to complete all daily duties. Majority of families have parents that both work, with many actually working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

If we go back a few decades, men were able to work to provided for their families. The women would have the house cleaned, kids homework done, and dinner on the table when the men came home. Was this really such a bad time? I understand that the women  didn't feel appreciated, and I understand that women wanted opportunities that men had. But, if  we dig just a little bit deeper into how great it was back then, maybe the women of today would be a bit jealous of what once was.

Think about today are involved in sports, and clubs, parents rushing from one job to another, constantly running back and forth, doesn't leave much time to actually sit down and enjoy a home cooked meal. Thru the drive thru it is. But, are those healthy options really that healthy for you, or for your growing kids? Kids need so many more nutrients and vitamins than adults due because of their growing bodies and they just aren't getting good nutrition. There are tons of research articles and facts about children's diets today, and the adults diets aren't any better.

After watching the movie Fresh, it is really hard to think about eating anything you find in a grocery store, and that is very scary. I personally had no idea that the food I am putting into my family and I's body was so absolutely awful. So awful that I didn't even want to feed them. Yes, it truly is that bad! 

In a nut shell, the movie shows how farms are only focused on the monetary return of their crop, or their livestock. The conditions these animals are living in are causing them to get sick. The fact they are raised in their own waste and causing pollution for humans to breathe is disturbing. Crop farmers are using such heavy pesticides that it is backfiring and causing new kinds of insects and other problems to arise, in turn, needing more chemicals to control the new problem. One farmer being documented in the video is raising his farm by way of Mother Nature. It is great to know people out there still do care about doing the right thing, but until the blind are led to the light, the problem will only worsen.

I was raised in a family that hunts. Birds, deer, elk, squirrel, coyotes and we fish too. My family and I enjoy the fresh taste of them all. It always makes me laugh when people get all upset about killing Bambi. I am a Disney lover through and through, but give me a break. If people who are judge mental about hunters and why they do what they do, would do just a little bit of research and investigate the word conservation, they may just understand a bit. And I would be willing to bet that if those that are against hunting actually watched the movie Fresh, and then decided to actually speak with a true hunter, such as Ted Nugent, they would back off the Bambi killer bandwagon. Nothing compares to eating fresh venison. There has been no preservatives or additives, no scare of disease or any other crazy concoctions that the FDA lets farmers get away with when raising these animals. Fresh meat from an animal will not make you sick, but a hormone and preservative pumped animal will.

There was a time when food was considered healthy, and fresh, but America has become so money hungry that the product is no longer the prize, it is the amount of money you will get in return. This is just sick to me. The fact that these individual farmers, and companies are willing to put a price tag on all these human lives they are slowly but surely destroying. My question for them, "Do you actually feed this crap to your own families?" I sincerely want to write letters and ask this question. If more people were educated on the garbage these companies are producing, and could get together with organic growers to not charge so much, the organic growers would end up on top. The organic growers would make their money, while hopefully putting the competition, or non competition out of business! I personally would buy more organic foods if it wasn't so expensive. And with Americans being nickel and dimed to death around every corner, it makes it harder and harder to achieve.

Something must be done to protect humans. I don't understand how there is so many animal rights groups, but none that are fighting for the people, for your families, for my family. This video has helped me realize that it will take more than one person to make a change, and it needs to happen sooner than later, or just like in the movie The Lorax by Dr. Seuss...

Would it be so terrible to go back to the times where there was a true home cooked, non processed meal at the table for the whole family? I think not. The only problem is, how do we go back in time?
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment , until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

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