Monday, September 15, 2014

Entry #3: Technology Today

Not a day goes by that this topic is not argued. We can even narrow that day down to hours and the hours into minutes. Is technology ruining the people we are today, and the future that lies ahead? Or, is technology opening doors for the next generation, creating thing that are unimaginable? Most would say a little bit of both, but which is more important? The future, or the now?

While watching the video below, I noticed tears swelling in my eyes. Partly because I was able to connect with what the gentleman was saying. It was as if he was talking to me. And partly because his story is so true. I see it every day.

A family sits down for dinner, a night out of the house with no distractions such as television, laundry or visitors stopping by. Yet, they really aren't together even though they are all sitting next to one another. You see, the parents are both looking at their cell phones, the oldest child is listening to music on an ipod, and the youngest is watching a movie on a tablet. As I approach the table and introduce myself and go into my spiel about the specials and new items, only the parents actually acknowledge that I am standing there and speaking to them. They may continue to look at me while I am speaking, or they may continue to listen, but not without looking at their phone. Wow. What an eye opener. They can't even listen to what I have to say for two minutes.

This seems to be the norm. While I do use my cell phone very regularly, I really try and not have it out while I am ordering coffee or food. I don't have it out if I am in line at the grocery store, and I especially don't let my child have my phone if we are out to eat. I truthfully believe that technology is there to help make things easier in life and more accessible, however, there is a time and place for the use of such devices. Where do we differentiate a real moment shared with people that are physically with you, and a moment that you share with hundreds, but all alone. I want my daughter to grow up knowing that I was there to see all that is important to her through my eyes, and not through a screen. That moment will mean more to her than any amount of likes on Facebook! I'm not saying that the ability to share these events with others who can't physically be there is a bad thing, because it's not, but some things need to be shared with the ones that are with you at that moment, in that moment. And these moments need to be treasured and priceless! 

Just think about the moments that are important and special to you...was there technologies that had taken away the magic of it all?

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