Monday, September 15, 2014

Entry #4: Halloween at Disneyland

It's that time of year again! The weather is changing, the fall smells are among us, and the Halloween decorations are out! I LOVE this time of year! Pumpkin flavored everything and the talk of what this year's Halloween costume will entail. I am a big fan of Halloween and as you know, I am a big fan of Disney too! What better way than to celebrate Halloween at Disneyland!!! Two worlds collide into the perfect treat.

I do have one small problem with this, ok, maybe one big problem with this. Many of you know already that a trip to Disney is not cheap, but you can do it on a budget. It takes lots of planning, but there are ways to cut down the cost. If you are planning a trip to "The Happiest Place on Earth" during Halloween, there are some things you need to be aware of.

The Disneyland Resort becomes very strict around Halloween time. Disney decorates to the nines and even has a Mickey's not so spooky trick or treat available on certain nights. However, what most aren't aware of is that you must purchase a separate ticket for this event, and the price of that ticket increases the closer you get to your travel dates. This part of the equation just gets under my skin. I see charging for the special ticket, but raising the price every week. Come on Disney, we all know you're not strapped for cash! The thing is, people buy them, so Disney will continue with this practice. Also, the guests who have regular admission on the day of the special event, are escorted out of the park early afternoon to let the other event crowds in. Costumes is where Disney becomes very strict. Adults are not allowed to dress up as Disney characters so as not to impersonate a Disney employee. No face masks or heavy makeup allowed either. The kiddos can dress in Disney attire, but no masks. If an adult is caught impersonating a character, you will immediately be escorted out of Disneyland. I like this rule, but every costume I own is Disney! What girl doesn't want to dress like a Disney princess? I will sign a waiver to not impersonate a Disney character, but let me where what I want. Disney already got my money from me buying the costume.

I don't want to discourage anyone from visiting the park on such a fun occasion, just be prepared, read the stipulations, and follow the rules! I do hope to engage in this adventure again sometime! Disney knows how to throw a party, and a Halloween one is no exception!

"Just because I can not see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!" - Jack Skellington


  1. I went to Disneyland last October and was there for all of the "Halloween" festivities. It was pretty awesome I must admit. I didn't participate in the trick or treat thing though and after reading this I'm sure glad I didn't! I had no idea about those ridiculous rules. So not fair or fun.

    On a side note, awesome blog! It's very inviting, I love the layout, and I really enjoy reading your posts! :)

    1. Thank you Chelsea! I appreciate the feedback! I truly hope that one day you will be able to experience this part of Disney with your child, or a child that I very close to you! You know that Disney has a certain magic about it, and there truly is no better feeling than seeing Disney through the eyes of a young child! I will never forget my daughters firsts there!!

  2. Disney in October is my favorite! Thanks for all your tips, I am planning a trip out there in two weeks so this was extremely helpful!

    1. YEAAA!!! Hayley, I hope you have a supercalifragiliticexpialidoshous time!!!! I am sure you will, but be sure to sit on a bench for a couple minutes, close your eyes, and take in the smells and sounds that the park offers. Its pretty incredible to do this in different areas of Disneyland!
