Saturday, September 6, 2014

Entry #2: A Dream Come True

Have you ever had a vision, or a goal that you have always wanted to accomplish, but was pretty sure you were thinking crazy at the time, yet, you did it anyways? Sure you have! We all have. Risk taking, its a thrill! The fear of failing, but instead, basking in the accomplishment of success!

I am in search of that feeling. I want to know that I accomplished something difficult, and I want the chance to say, " I did that! " So...I signed up for the Disney Tinkerbell 10K Run which is being hosted along with 5 other runs, including a half marathon, being held over 3 days. The half marathon will have to come later in life! But for now, the 10K. I will finish and receive my medal!

Health and Fitness are a big part of everyone's life, whether you make it a priority or not is up to you, and only you! Not a day goes by that you don't hear a commercial on the TV or radio advertising a gym, or the newest diet pill. Even on the front page of Yahoo is always an article about exercising or eating healthier. While all this information is great and works for some, it is not for everyone. That is why I suggest looking into running. Now, you don't have to be a current athlete to become a runner, you can begin at any stage in life. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep going. With every run, increase your distance, which in turn, will increase your stamina. There is something about having the open road or trail, the smell and taste of the outside air, with the heat from the sun on your skin that makes you feel great to be alive!

Signing up for a fun run is a great way to begin running. They are held all over the country, have thousands that attend, and is just a great time! There is so much motivation and encouragement from the other runners, new and old, that help you to cross the finish line! What a great feeling of accomplishment!

So, what are you waiting for? Get out and go for a run! 
Remember, its not about where you start, or the distance you have gone...its about where you end up, and the road you have traveled! Good Luck!


  1. I am so excited to do this run with you!! I like your new title very much. However you might want to reconsider the green, it was very difficult to read. Love you

  2. I thought that too about the green, but it is so PRETTY!!!

  3. Thank you so much for the links! I'm going to sign up for a 5k sometime before the end of the year.

  4. yes do it Anthony it is so much fun. You should also have some of your friends and family join you and it is always better doing runs when you are in costume :)

  5. Good work so far, Melissa. Keep it up.
