Saturday, September 6, 2014

Entry #1: Anything goes...

Blogging isn't for everyone, and that is ok! Being a blogger requires lots of time, creativity, thick skin for sensitive topics, a sense of yourself and most of all, a positive outlook on your blog! Sure, anyone can learn to blog and become successful with the blogging world, and may even have a new found escape for all that is inside ones mind.
I believe blogging is a really cool tool on the scene of social media. There is an endless amount of possibilities and directions that one may take their blog. Whether being strictly for friends and family, or for reaching audiences far across the world, it is all up to you! Anything goes! For me personally, I am a very crafty and creative person. I love decorating and refinishing projects, making old things new again, and making things beautiful!
Blogging can be looked at as the same sort of thing. Decorating your page the way you want, making old topics new again, and bringing light to matters that are important and beautiful to yourself, and sharing this all with the world! How cool is that! Knowing that your opinions and hard work are noticed across the world is a pretty big deal!

One of my favorite blogs I came across was Pintester. Let me begin by saying, I LOVE PINTEREST! I have spent many of hours scrolling and pinning items from this site, and Sonja is the Pintester. She tests pins she sees on the site and reports back on her accomplishments and failures! Awesome! Finally, someone who has the time to waste trying everything I don't have time for! I will be cross referencing all my pins now through Sonja's blog! And for this, I thank her!

I came across a blog that I wanted to like, then I read something that put me into a rage. The blog, People I Want to Punch in the Throat, caught my attention immediately. I laughed at the title because I have said the exact words before when angry. Upon reading some of her posts, I noticed that she discusses many controversial topics. And while I can respect others opinions, I like to state mine too! However, I find myself getting very emotional, and mostly angry about the amount of stupidity in the world, and how stupid some people really are! I don't like letting things bother me that I can not change, but, if people would be more open minded, I think I wouldn't let my blood get to the boiling point! I am particularly speaking of the blog entry about the 9 year old who accidentally shot an instructor here in Arizona a few weeks back. Your opinion? I happily stated my opinion on the blog comments section.

Alright, now I don't know about you, but, I am all about finding the best and most efficient ways to create things, clean, bake, fix and so on...well, here you go! Lifehacker! Little known tricks for everything in every day life that you may be unaware of. Now, while I love the idea of this site, I am curious of where this information is coming from? How credible is it? One particular post was how to clean your gadgets without ruining them. I would like to think there was some testing done previously, but there is no information on if there was.
My favorite hacks are the ones that have to do with cooking. For instance, do you know how to remove the yolk of an egg with a water bottle? Fascinating I tell you!

*Remember... Mistakes are proof that you are trying!*

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