Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Entry #5: WALL-E

Let me first begin by saying that I love this movie! I cry every time I see it, and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend doing so soon! It is incredible to me how the makers of this movie hit the nail right on the head. In the clip, the people of the town are completely surrounded by technology. Unable to think, act or do as one wishes, everything is done for them. Each person is in their own little world, not even acknowledging the others that are next to them or even what is going on around them. Everyone is overweight and unable to control themselves. When the guy falls off the chair, he is unable to even stand on his own. This is a very sad, yet eye awakening moment. The town featured in Wall-E, there is no physical activity, no games, no playing with children, no physical or emotional interaction with others.

Think about it. Doesn't it seem that this is the direction America is headed with the technology that is at our finger tips? People no longer need to go to the store to buy something, it can be ordered online and mailed to one's house. Outdoor activities are now replaced with video gaming. Meeting with work and other individuals are now able to be conducted online via a camera on a computer. The face to face interaction I slowly but surely being replaced.

I find it interesting that Pixar decided to demonstrate love and emotions more through the robots, Wall-E and Eva, than through the "humans" depicted in this film. Wall-E was not going to give up on Eva, yet, they are only robots. Robots programmed by humans, but show more human feelings. It may seem absurd, but this isn't completely impossible to happen in the future. Technology is a great thing, and has opened doors that no one even knew possible. But, sometime, the good old fashioned way of doing things, just makes more sense. The children of society need to know how to interact with children and adults alike, and not be raised with a computer screen constantly being their closest friend.
"I don't want to Survive...I want to Live!" -Captain Wall-E

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