Sunday, October 5, 2014

Entry #8: The Spirit of the Wild

I mentioned in my previous post a man that many may not be familiar with. A man who I have grown to admire. I am a fan of his music, I agree with many of his beliefs and I respect the message he is wanting to be heard.

The man I speak of, Ted Nugent. The motor city mad man, hunter extraordinaire, supporter of the US military and an all around genuinely good person.

Ted Nugent was a part of a hunting club that my parents were part of, World Bowhunters. From as young as I can remember, my parents were involved with Ted Nugent and the mission of wildlife conservation. There was meetings and annual campouts, there were banquets, organized street cleanups and night time target hunts. There was much more, but these were the big ones I remembered. I was even lucky enough to braid Teds hair before one of his concerts.

For those who do not know, Ted Nugent is a hunter and a great one at that. He believes that wildlife conservation is a very important part of life. He believes in feeding his family fresh meat that he has provided for them. Ted is also a big supporter of the NRA and the second amendment of The Constitution, the right to bear arms.

Many folks are not fond of Ted because he is a hunter, and because he speaks much truth. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of Ted Nugent, but please just listen to the clip below.

Like I said, Ted speaks the truth, and that you can not deny. If you were put into a position, and you had the right and ability to defend yourself, or your family, would you want that opportunity? Or would you let yourself be taken advantage of, and be completely hopeless and not have a chance at living life, or seeing your child live their life?

I never have been able to comprehend why anyone would let another dictate their own life, the life we deserve to live, and yet, it happens everyday, and all it seems people say is, "Why God? Why Me God? What did I do?" Newsflash people! God didn't do it!
I also would like to bring up the issue of Gun Control. This one really gets my blood boiling. If someone can please explain to me how guns kill people, I would love to hear it! I am ready to hear the answer. Do cars go out and kill people? No, drunk drivers in cars kill people. Do pencils make students fail a class? No, students fail classes. Notice the trend. Do guns kill people? No, people kill people, and people with guns kill people. The laws that are currently in place DO NOT stop criminals from committing crimes, so what are more laws going to do? Sure isn't going to stop them. Stricter enforcement of the laws in place may help society. If people would get educated with firearms, and be knowledgeable of how to use one, maybe there wouldn't be so much fear of them. A gun itself can not pull its own trigger and go off, it must have a force behind causing the action.
Next time you head to the voting polls, be informed of who you are voting for, and the rights that our forefathers gave us, and be sure we protect those rights, otherwise, we are in for a rude and scary awakening. 
"When the law disarms good guys, bad guys rejoice." -Ted Nugent

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