When one first here's the words, pink slime, what first comes to mind? Maybe a silly putty sort of substance, or a melted piece of bubble gum, or toothpaste oozing out of a tube. While these all sound like pink slime, these are not the correct definition. Pink slime is defined as finely ground beef scraps, fat and tissue that have been made into a protein paste and then treated to kill bacteria, and then becomes a meat additive that is mixed into ground beef and other processed meats as fillers. If you can imagine, it is exactly as it sounds, disgusting.

Why is this allowed to happen? Why is this acceptable nutrition? I have one belief, and I am almost positive it's the biggest, because of the money! Its cheap. It is very easy to make, and costs pennies on the dollar. Hello dollar menu items. Since the new American way is cheaper is better, this is what we get America. The crap that should be thrown away, but instead, packaged for sale. If a child was to ingest ammonia, poison control would be called immediately and the child would probably be rushed straight to the hospital and have their stomach pumped and then be monitored for any other problems that may follow. Yet, the American government, and these factories that package fresh ground beef, are basically handing over the poison and saying it's safe, just go on and try it. And the American people fall for this, and have been stuck in the trap ever since.
With the price of groceries continuously rising, the need for a cheaper alternative makes all too much sense to these big businesses, and all they see are dollar signs, and we just hand our hard earned money over to them. There was a time where this practice never even existed, and people managed to survive. What's it going to take to get back to that time? We, the people, need to open our eyes and make our voices heard. This is not OK, and we will not stand for it. The fact that the government, the people who are elected to protect the American people, allow this all to happen as well. In the video I watched about pink slime, I couldn't help but repeating over an over in my head, it is OK to poison Americans, our own people, but other countries BAN the use of American meats. Other countries FORBID the use of meats that Americans consume on a daily basis. WAKE UP AMERICA! Now is the time for change. Write our government and state representatives and demand a change.

No one can speak for you, so make your voice heard!
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