Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Entry #7: FRESH...or so you thought...

Society today leads a very different lifestyle than generations past. People seem to always be in a hurry. Numerous people feel as if there just isn't enough time in one day to complete all daily duties. Majority of families have parents that both work, with many actually working multiple jobs just to make ends meet.

If we go back a few decades, men were able to work to provided for their families. The women would have the house cleaned, kids homework done, and dinner on the table when the men came home. Was this really such a bad time? I understand that the women  didn't feel appreciated, and I understand that women wanted opportunities that men had. But, if  we dig just a little bit deeper into how great it was back then, maybe the women of today would be a bit jealous of what once was.

Think about today are involved in sports, and clubs, parents rushing from one job to another, constantly running back and forth, doesn't leave much time to actually sit down and enjoy a home cooked meal. Thru the drive thru it is. But, are those healthy options really that healthy for you, or for your growing kids? Kids need so many more nutrients and vitamins than adults due because of their growing bodies and they just aren't getting good nutrition. There are tons of research articles and facts about children's diets today, and the adults diets aren't any better.

After watching the movie Fresh, it is really hard to think about eating anything you find in a grocery store, and that is very scary. I personally had no idea that the food I am putting into my family and I's body was so absolutely awful. So awful that I didn't even want to feed them. Yes, it truly is that bad! 

In a nut shell, the movie shows how farms are only focused on the monetary return of their crop, or their livestock. The conditions these animals are living in are causing them to get sick. The fact they are raised in their own waste and causing pollution for humans to breathe is disturbing. Crop farmers are using such heavy pesticides that it is backfiring and causing new kinds of insects and other problems to arise, in turn, needing more chemicals to control the new problem. One farmer being documented in the video is raising his farm by way of Mother Nature. It is great to know people out there still do care about doing the right thing, but until the blind are led to the light, the problem will only worsen.

I was raised in a family that hunts. Birds, deer, elk, squirrel, coyotes and we fish too. My family and I enjoy the fresh taste of them all. It always makes me laugh when people get all upset about killing Bambi. I am a Disney lover through and through, but give me a break. If people who are judge mental about hunters and why they do what they do, would do just a little bit of research and investigate the word conservation, they may just understand a bit. And I would be willing to bet that if those that are against hunting actually watched the movie Fresh, and then decided to actually speak with a true hunter, such as Ted Nugent, they would back off the Bambi killer bandwagon. Nothing compares to eating fresh venison. There has been no preservatives or additives, no scare of disease or any other crazy concoctions that the FDA lets farmers get away with when raising these animals. Fresh meat from an animal will not make you sick, but a hormone and preservative pumped animal will.

There was a time when food was considered healthy, and fresh, but America has become so money hungry that the product is no longer the prize, it is the amount of money you will get in return. This is just sick to me. The fact that these individual farmers, and companies are willing to put a price tag on all these human lives they are slowly but surely destroying. My question for them, "Do you actually feed this crap to your own families?" I sincerely want to write letters and ask this question. If more people were educated on the garbage these companies are producing, and could get together with organic growers to not charge so much, the organic growers would end up on top. The organic growers would make their money, while hopefully putting the competition, or non competition out of business! I personally would buy more organic foods if it wasn't so expensive. And with Americans being nickel and dimed to death around every corner, it makes it harder and harder to achieve.

Something must be done to protect humans. I don't understand how there is so many animal rights groups, but none that are fighting for the people, for your families, for my family. This video has helped me realize that it will take more than one person to make a change, and it needs to happen sooner than later, or just like in the movie The Lorax by Dr. Seuss...

Would it be so terrible to go back to the times where there was a true home cooked, non processed meal at the table for the whole family? I think not. The only problem is, how do we go back in time?
"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment , until it becomes a memory." -Dr. Seuss

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Entry #6: Only a matter of time...

All of this discussion of technology in todays society, and the amount of time that is spent on a daily basis engulfed in the social media products of the world, a question arises. What is the appropriate age for a child to have their own cell phone?

This has been weighing on my mind for a few months now. My daughter, currently 7, with her birthday quickly approaching next month, came the talk of her wanting a phone for her birthday. I had to laugh, because my immediate thought was one I am positive my mother said the day I mentioned this to her. "Are you kidding me, what do you think you need a phone for?" Now, I was 15 when I was 14 when I asked for my first phone. That is twice the age of my daughter Amaya. After shooting down her wish, I got to thinking.

With Amaya being my only child, I am a very controlling mother and I like to, and do, know everything my child is doing at all times. I must know where she is, who she is with, what she is doing, and for how long will she be doing it. I don't think this is a bad thing! I believe it shows that I care in what activities she is involved with and with what friends she spends her time with. A few of the  neighborhood girls are a couple years older than Amaya, and they all have phones. So naturally, my child want what she doesn't have. And I can respect that. I am just not sure I can justify her owning a phone until she is older and I begin to let her explore the outside world.

There are a few instances in which I have considered her need for a cell phone. There's that of when she misses me, she can tell me! I can't wait for those messages! Then there's the time where she wants to go to the park with her friends, if something happens, she could let me know immediately. Other than these two reasons, I just can't come to terms with a 7 or 8 year old with a phone. She will have to continue to be happy with her Ipod, tablet and the use of my laptop for a few more years.

Please feel free to give me your opinion on this subject so I may justify that I am not being a mean Mom when she opens her presents and finds that she is not getting a cell phone, this year.
"We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that She is someone today." -Stacia Tauscher

Entry #5: WALL-E

Let me first begin by saying that I love this movie! I cry every time I see it, and if you have not seen it yet, I highly recommend doing so soon! It is incredible to me how the makers of this movie hit the nail right on the head. In the clip, the people of the town are completely surrounded by technology. Unable to think, act or do as one wishes, everything is done for them. Each person is in their own little world, not even acknowledging the others that are next to them or even what is going on around them. Everyone is overweight and unable to control themselves. When the guy falls off the chair, he is unable to even stand on his own. This is a very sad, yet eye awakening moment. The town featured in Wall-E, there is no physical activity, no games, no playing with children, no physical or emotional interaction with others.

Think about it. Doesn't it seem that this is the direction America is headed with the technology that is at our finger tips? People no longer need to go to the store to buy something, it can be ordered online and mailed to one's house. Outdoor activities are now replaced with video gaming. Meeting with work and other individuals are now able to be conducted online via a camera on a computer. The face to face interaction I slowly but surely being replaced.

I find it interesting that Pixar decided to demonstrate love and emotions more through the robots, Wall-E and Eva, than through the "humans" depicted in this film. Wall-E was not going to give up on Eva, yet, they are only robots. Robots programmed by humans, but show more human feelings. It may seem absurd, but this isn't completely impossible to happen in the future. Technology is a great thing, and has opened doors that no one even knew possible. But, sometime, the good old fashioned way of doing things, just makes more sense. The children of society need to know how to interact with children and adults alike, and not be raised with a computer screen constantly being their closest friend.
"I don't want to Survive...I want to Live!" -Captain Wall-E

Monday, September 15, 2014

Entry #4: Halloween at Disneyland

It's that time of year again! The weather is changing, the fall smells are among us, and the Halloween decorations are out! I LOVE this time of year! Pumpkin flavored everything and the talk of what this year's Halloween costume will entail. I am a big fan of Halloween and as you know, I am a big fan of Disney too! What better way than to celebrate Halloween at Disneyland!!! Two worlds collide into the perfect treat.

I do have one small problem with this, ok, maybe one big problem with this. Many of you know already that a trip to Disney is not cheap, but you can do it on a budget. It takes lots of planning, but there are ways to cut down the cost. If you are planning a trip to "The Happiest Place on Earth" during Halloween, there are some things you need to be aware of.

The Disneyland Resort becomes very strict around Halloween time. Disney decorates to the nines and even has a Mickey's not so spooky trick or treat available on certain nights. However, what most aren't aware of is that you must purchase a separate ticket for this event, and the price of that ticket increases the closer you get to your travel dates. This part of the equation just gets under my skin. I see charging for the special ticket, but raising the price every week. Come on Disney, we all know you're not strapped for cash! The thing is, people buy them, so Disney will continue with this practice. Also, the guests who have regular admission on the day of the special event, are escorted out of the park early afternoon to let the other event crowds in. Costumes is where Disney becomes very strict. Adults are not allowed to dress up as Disney characters so as not to impersonate a Disney employee. No face masks or heavy makeup allowed either. The kiddos can dress in Disney attire, but no masks. If an adult is caught impersonating a character, you will immediately be escorted out of Disneyland. I like this rule, but every costume I own is Disney! What girl doesn't want to dress like a Disney princess? I will sign a waiver to not impersonate a Disney character, but let me where what I want. Disney already got my money from me buying the costume.

I don't want to discourage anyone from visiting the park on such a fun occasion, just be prepared, read the stipulations, and follow the rules! I do hope to engage in this adventure again sometime! Disney knows how to throw a party, and a Halloween one is no exception!

"Just because I can not see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!" - Jack Skellington

Entry #3: Technology Today

Not a day goes by that this topic is not argued. We can even narrow that day down to hours and the hours into minutes. Is technology ruining the people we are today, and the future that lies ahead? Or, is technology opening doors for the next generation, creating thing that are unimaginable? Most would say a little bit of both, but which is more important? The future, or the now?

While watching the video below, I noticed tears swelling in my eyes. Partly because I was able to connect with what the gentleman was saying. It was as if he was talking to me. And partly because his story is so true. I see it every day.

A family sits down for dinner, a night out of the house with no distractions such as television, laundry or visitors stopping by. Yet, they really aren't together even though they are all sitting next to one another. You see, the parents are both looking at their cell phones, the oldest child is listening to music on an ipod, and the youngest is watching a movie on a tablet. As I approach the table and introduce myself and go into my spiel about the specials and new items, only the parents actually acknowledge that I am standing there and speaking to them. They may continue to look at me while I am speaking, or they may continue to listen, but not without looking at their phone. Wow. What an eye opener. They can't even listen to what I have to say for two minutes.

This seems to be the norm. While I do use my cell phone very regularly, I really try and not have it out while I am ordering coffee or food. I don't have it out if I am in line at the grocery store, and I especially don't let my child have my phone if we are out to eat. I truthfully believe that technology is there to help make things easier in life and more accessible, however, there is a time and place for the use of such devices. Where do we differentiate a real moment shared with people that are physically with you, and a moment that you share with hundreds, but all alone. I want my daughter to grow up knowing that I was there to see all that is important to her through my eyes, and not through a screen. That moment will mean more to her than any amount of likes on Facebook! I'm not saying that the ability to share these events with others who can't physically be there is a bad thing, because it's not, but some things need to be shared with the ones that are with you at that moment, in that moment. And these moments need to be treasured and priceless! 

Just think about the moments that are important and special to you...was there technologies that had taken away the magic of it all?

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Entry #2: A Dream Come True

Have you ever had a vision, or a goal that you have always wanted to accomplish, but was pretty sure you were thinking crazy at the time, yet, you did it anyways? Sure you have! We all have. Risk taking, its a thrill! The fear of failing, but instead, basking in the accomplishment of success!

I am in search of that feeling. I want to know that I accomplished something difficult, and I want the chance to say, " I did that! " So...I signed up for the Disney Tinkerbell 10K Run which is being hosted along with 5 other runs, including a half marathon, being held over 3 days. The half marathon will have to come later in life! But for now, the 10K. I will finish and receive my medal!

Health and Fitness are a big part of everyone's life, whether you make it a priority or not is up to you, and only you! Not a day goes by that you don't hear a commercial on the TV or radio advertising a gym, or the newest diet pill. Even on the front page of Yahoo is always an article about exercising or eating healthier. While all this information is great and works for some, it is not for everyone. That is why I suggest looking into running. Now, you don't have to be a current athlete to become a runner, you can begin at any stage in life. Just put one foot in front of the other and keep going. With every run, increase your distance, which in turn, will increase your stamina. There is something about having the open road or trail, the smell and taste of the outside air, with the heat from the sun on your skin that makes you feel great to be alive!

Signing up for a fun run is a great way to begin running. They are held all over the country, have thousands that attend, and is just a great time! There is so much motivation and encouragement from the other runners, new and old, that help you to cross the finish line! What a great feeling of accomplishment!

So, what are you waiting for? Get out and go for a run! 
Remember, its not about where you start, or the distance you have gone...its about where you end up, and the road you have traveled! Good Luck!

Entry #1: Anything goes...

Blogging isn't for everyone, and that is ok! Being a blogger requires lots of time, creativity, thick skin for sensitive topics, a sense of yourself and most of all, a positive outlook on your blog! Sure, anyone can learn to blog and become successful with the blogging world, and may even have a new found escape for all that is inside ones mind.
I believe blogging is a really cool tool on the scene of social media. There is an endless amount of possibilities and directions that one may take their blog. Whether being strictly for friends and family, or for reaching audiences far across the world, it is all up to you! Anything goes! For me personally, I am a very crafty and creative person. I love decorating and refinishing projects, making old things new again, and making things beautiful!
Blogging can be looked at as the same sort of thing. Decorating your page the way you want, making old topics new again, and bringing light to matters that are important and beautiful to yourself, and sharing this all with the world! How cool is that! Knowing that your opinions and hard work are noticed across the world is a pretty big deal!

One of my favorite blogs I came across was Pintester. Let me begin by saying, I LOVE PINTEREST! I have spent many of hours scrolling and pinning items from this site, and Sonja is the Pintester. She tests pins she sees on the site and reports back on her accomplishments and failures! Awesome! Finally, someone who has the time to waste trying everything I don't have time for! I will be cross referencing all my pins now through Sonja's blog! And for this, I thank her!

I came across a blog that I wanted to like, then I read something that put me into a rage. The blog, People I Want to Punch in the Throat, caught my attention immediately. I laughed at the title because I have said the exact words before when angry. Upon reading some of her posts, I noticed that she discusses many controversial topics. And while I can respect others opinions, I like to state mine too! However, I find myself getting very emotional, and mostly angry about the amount of stupidity in the world, and how stupid some people really are! I don't like letting things bother me that I can not change, but, if people would be more open minded, I think I wouldn't let my blood get to the boiling point! I am particularly speaking of the blog entry about the 9 year old who accidentally shot an instructor here in Arizona a few weeks back. Your opinion? I happily stated my opinion on the blog comments section.

Alright, now I don't know about you, but, I am all about finding the best and most efficient ways to create things, clean, bake, fix and so on...well, here you go! Lifehacker! Little known tricks for everything in every day life that you may be unaware of. Now, while I love the idea of this site, I am curious of where this information is coming from? How credible is it? One particular post was how to clean your gadgets without ruining them. I would like to think there was some testing done previously, but there is no information on if there was.
My favorite hacks are the ones that have to do with cooking. For instance, do you know how to remove the yolk of an egg with a water bottle? Fascinating I tell you!

*Remember... Mistakes are proof that you are trying!*